Why Doing a Lot of Improvements in your Company Might Work Against You! See also linkedin. Today focus is key because most companies lack the resources to do many projects with few results.
In this webinar from 19h-20h30 on 10th march 2021 we want to help you accelerate your innovation time by presenting some strong cases. Valeri Souchkov (TRIZ Master) and Ives De Saeger will lift you to the next level methodologies
that combine innovation and cash oriented thinking using the Profit&Loss table.
This session will provide another dimension (angle) of cost allocation so you maximize your investments. If you want to invest, make the right decision where to invest to have a disruption and acceleration of innovation time.
Subscribe by sending us a mail valeri@xtriz.com or ives@p41.be
This webinar is mainly for
CEO, COO, CTO,CFO, R&D managers, production managers founders, owners that want to have a real boost of either revenue or savings. Mainly focussed for manufacturing and production related companies.
In this webinar you’ll learn
– how to monitize which project you should focus on
– how to define the projects using a TRIZ view
– how to build up projects (excel file will be handed over)
– how to open up the view on the possibilties in your company using industry 4.0
– What is the quality of TRIZ?
– Defining the format in which the company and product can be modelled
– Looking at the technologies inside the company (function oriented) and what is the best in the world?
– Looking at parameters of the product and process and understanding
– Combining money to product, processes, parameters
– Finding biggest challenge
We will not speak about
– 6 sigma or Lean methodologies
– World Class Manufacturing approaches
Check out www.xtriz.com